Fall Equinox Retreat 2024

Join Dr. Valerie Brown of Align Wellness and Viveka Moon of SingFree Vocal Yoga in a special equinox retreat designed to help you center and regain balance while unleashing your authentic voice! Kundalini yoga will cleanse your spirit in the mornings, and afternoon vocal yoga sessions will empower you to speak and sing your truth with greater ease and joy. Relax and rejuvenate in a hot tub overlooking the river, and enjoy four delicious gluten free, vegan and organic meals with an abundance of snacks and tea available. This transformational retreat will also include:

Retreat Menu Options:

  • Vibroacoustic Sound Therapies

  • Organic Meals

  • Digestive Elixirs

  • Herbal Remedies

  • Sound Healing

  • Sauna/Cold Plunge

  • Hot Tub overlooking river

  • Body and Energy Work

  • Hikes and Forest Bathing

  • Local Eateries + Fieldtrips

  • Yoga and Meditation

  • A restorative yoga class with mantra chanting Friday evening

  • Equinox Ritual

  • Song Circle

  • Sound Bath

  • Two nights in a beautiful home right on the river

  • Sisterhood connection