Chakra Medicine Journey

3 - 6 Month Comprehensive Health & Lifestyle Coaching For Complete Transformation

If you feel stuck, overwhelmed or like there is something missing, this program is for you. Weaving functional medicine, therapeutic yoga, subtle body work and energy work, detoxification protocols, and functional movement, this program promotes whole body wellness and prioritizes joy and harmony in lifestyle & relationships.

The Chakra Medicine Journey is not just a program—it's a revolution in healing, designed exclusively for forward-thinking self-healers who are ready to transcend the limitations of traditional medicine. Over 8 transformative modules, you’ll embark on a journey that melds the precision of Western medical science with the profound depth of the chakra system, creating a new paradigm in holistic healing.

This program is designed to help you transform through addressing each major energy center, or chakra, of the body. This organization allows for complete assessment of body, mind and spirit, and works systematically to address blocks and imbalances in multiple dimensions. The best part! It’s colorful and fun while also healing and life-changing.

Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment:

  • here we get to know who you are, what inspires you, where you want to go, and what types of support you need to stay on track.

  • You will be asked to fill out your medical history and any current symptoms, and a lifestyle assessment form so we can find opportunities where you can make small and focused tweaks to reach your goals faster.

  • you will complete a nutritional questionnaire which will highlight digestive issues and organs that need support. Together we will create a plan to help you find balance and joy with your food.

  • A series of movements which will help us identify any areas of imbalance or weakness that may affect your ease in movement and being in your body. This includes movement and posture assessment in your most common activities, and follow up practices to help you find balance, strength and mobility.

  • Individualized Home Program: structure is key to success! This entirely customized plan includes guidance in nutrition, activity, stress management and relaxation, providing you with the lifestyle tools to support sustainable change in your life.

  • Heart-rate variability is the most important biomarker of nervous system health. The degree to which your body is responding and adapting to stress in the moment, and creating coherence in body and mind, is the degree to which you are able to direct your energy towards healing and growing. See in real time how your body responds to various mindset, breath and movement practices, creating a nervous system that is resilient and self-regulated.

Included Modalities:

As you journey through the energy centers, you will recieve guidance on balancing each energy center through evidence-based lifestyle medicine techniques, specific to your needs. You can expect your home program to be 10 minutes a day, and include modifications for posture, movement, and mindset throughout your already full lifestyle. In moving through you will find more safety, ease, sensuality, confidence and acceptance for yourself and in your relationships, as well as develop your authentic voice, intuition, and connection with your unique spiritual journey.

  • Functional movement is an essential aspect of your health and overall wellbeing. Your posture, the way you move, and any unhealed injuries or traumas can leave imprints on your nervous system. This integrative approach provides a comprehensive medical history, functional movement evaluation, neuromuscular re-education, manual therapy and an individualized home program consisting of therapeutic exercise, alignment practices, and breathwork. This combination of interventions will help to release endorphins, relieve anxiety, and promote relaxation within your body. Additionally, building strength and stability will make it easier for you to do the things you love without feeling held back. 

  • This trauma-informed and poly-vagal approach to yoga is guaranteed to stimulate your body's innate healing capacity through simple, restorative, and effective practices that are backed by science and thousands of years old traditions. Who knew yoga could be as restful as legs-up the wall, humming in your car, or building deep core strength while waiting in line at the grocery store? 

  • The gut-brain connection is an essential part of healing from trauma, illness, and anxiety. The enteric nervous system, which lines the intestinal walls, informs the vagus nerve of the inner-happenings of the body. In optimizing your digestion and absorption, and meeting your individual nutritional needs, you will improve your mental and physical well-being immensely. 

  • The most common chronic conditions facing our world today are impacted by factors such as our environment, sleep, nutrition, movement, and stress. Take inventory of these areas of your life to maximize your healing potential and wellbeing.

  • Heart-rate variability is the most important biomarker of nervous system health. The degree to which your body is responding and adapting to stress in the moment, and creating coherence in body and mind, is the degree to which you are able to direct your energy towards healing and growing. See in real time how your body responds to various mindset, breath and movement practices, creating a nervous system that is resilient and self-regulated.

  • The vibroacoustic sound healing table is a cutting edge technology that works through brain wave entrainment, cymatics and intention to help your body, mind and spirit come into full alignment. This transcendental sound journey is not only relaxing and rejuvenating, but it also creates permanent changes in your nervous system, helping your body and mind adjust to a higher level of coherence and vitality.

    This method of healing, which has been described as a musical adventure, works in three scientifically rooted ways: intention, brain wave entrainment and cymatics. Read more here.

  • This Japanese healing art restores the body through stimulating the innate healing capacity within. Sessions are coupled with sound healing, and deeply restorative. Clients often report release of emotional blockages and improved mental clarity, creativity, and performance after sessions.

Chakra Overview:

In Eastern Healing and Spiritual Traditions, the chakra system is accepted across many belief systems. This is one way to organize care, and overlaps with Western Medicine’s understanding of the endocrine system as well as the nervous system. These two major systems govern the way the body feels and responds to stimuli and challenges. While Chi, or Prana, are central to healing systems in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda, the energetic dimension is pretty much left out of Western Approach, leaving a huge whole in the ability to holistically care for individuals and the Self. The closes Western Medicine comes to identifying this system is through the recognition of fascia, breath, and Heart Rate Variability.

  • The root chakra, associated with the element Earth, is responsible for feeling safety, belonging, and grounded. It is the DNA, blood, connective tissue, feet, legs and pelvic floor, as well as associated with the male sex organs.

  • The sacral chakra, associated with the element of water, is responsible for feelings of sensuality and creative expression. This energy center incorporates the hips, fluid in joints, and female sex organs.

  • The solar plexus is associated with the element of fire, and feelings of confidence, willpower, and ability to manifest desires in the 3D world. This energy center incorporates digestive organs and metabolism.

  • The heart chakra connects the lower three energy centers with the higher three. Associated with the element of air, this energy center is responsible for feelings of love, forgiveness and service. Anatomically, the heart, lungs arms, hands and wrists are associated with this energy center, as well as the immune system.

  • The throat chakra is assciated with the element of ether. This energy center is responsible for helping you align with and speak your truth. It incorporates the thyroid, vocal cords, neck and mouth.

  • The third-eye chakra is also associated with the element of ether, and intuition and imagination. The pineal gland is the main endocrine organ associated with this energy center, as well as the eyes.

  • The crown chakra, associated with ether, is responsible for helping you connect with your spiritual belief system. This energy center is correlated with the brain and pituitary gland, or the master endocrine gland, governing all of the body rhythms and systems.

Medicine Woman & Peace Promotion Community Leader

What Our Client’s Are Saying:

I am extremely grateful for Dr Val’s way of blending skilled biomechanical knowledge with intuitive compassion and insight. When I first went in for my session I was coming in with mental overwhelm and emotional fatigue. After one session with her I felt calm, clear, open, and completely comfortable and relaxed in my body. I often slip into ADHD characteristics so these sessions are imperative for my wellbeing. After having experienced other body workers who didn’t have core empathic skills or gentle touch, I’ve come to realize how paramount a sense of comfort and safety is in order for true healing to happen on all layers of my body, psyche, and nervous system. I immediately felt comfortable in her presence and easily dropped into a calm state with her gentle touch. The cranial sacral helped immensely with me attuning to the sense of safety in my body and nervous system, which I feel allowed me to receive the adjustments from the vibroacoustic sound therapy in a deeper way. “
— Yessia Muse