Empower Your Healing

If you are ready to make big changes in your life, you need resources you can come back to and watch at your own pace. These courses are designed for highly motivated people who want to make their lifestyle their medicine- including standing, sitting, walking and engaging in activities such as running, skiing, climbing, and biking in a balanced, efficient and safe way. Courses included are:

  • Healthy Spine and Core

  • Healthy Upper Body

  • Healthy Lower Body

  • Functional Nutrition and Detoxification

  • Self-Care Bundle

  • Reiki I/II/III

A Science-Backed & Holistic Approach

I’ve worked in many settings and with a variety of health concerns. Some things I found myself saying over and over again, whether I was visiting with someone post-op, or helping someone who has been dealing with persistent pain for years. I decided to capture this content on video, so we can spend your sessions helping you in the moment, and the videos can supplement your routines and journey towards optimal health in the convenience of your own home.

Empower Yourself With Self-Guided Courses

Stand-Alone or Pair With Functional Movement Assessment

Frequently Ask Questions

I’m always happy to answer questions during a connection call, but here are some I hear most often.

  • Each course varies in length, and is consistently updated. In general, the courses are meant to take between 1 week to 1 month to work through depending on your availability.

  • It’s important to share our journey with friends and family, however these courses are made possible by folks paying for them. Please respect this and do not share the course with a friend or family member who has not paid for it. If finances are an issue, we can work out a payment plan or sliding scale so everyone is able to have their needs met.

  • Upon enrolling in the courses, you will gain access to the video portal and will be able to work through the video modules at your own pace. Some courses include PDFs for you to fill out and enhance your learning and lifestyle integration.

  • No, all sales are final. These courses are priced for accessbility, however the intellectual property is not able to be returned. That being said, if something does not go according to your needs, reach out and we can figure out a way to help you feel satisfied.