Reiki Certification
Empower yourself and Enhance Your Career
Reiki is a Japanese Healing Art used worldwide to enhance healing and quality of life. It can be used by practitioners for self-care, for clients/patients, and for loved ones. Become certified in Reiki so that you can offer this service to yourself and the world. This training is of the Usui and Holy Fire lineage, as taught Usui Mikao, and passed down to William Rand, and Colleen Benelli.
Dr. Valerie Brown, DPT, has a special interest in offering Reiki Training to caregivers, healthcare providers, and other healing artists in order to decrease burnout, compassion fatigue, as well as folks living with hypermobility and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
Unique to other Reiki Trainings, Val incorporates elements of nature into each certification process, as this is the way she has honed her skills of Reiki and is able to tap into the abundant flow of energy most effectively.
“The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today do not be angry
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people
Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer
Pray these words to your heart
And change these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatmet for the improvement of body and mind”
— Usui Mikao
What’s Included:
Reiki I/II Class Includes:
Manuel with history and principles of reiki
Symbol placement and attunment
Recieve and give a reiki treatment
Reiki Certificate Emailed to You
Ability to provide Reiki to Self and Others
Reiki Master Class Includes:
All of the above for Reiki III and
Ability to teach Reiki and attune individuals
On a Personal Note
As someone who lives with hypermobility, learning Reiki, and how to manage my energy, has been so empowering.
The way I see it, our physical body is a manifestation of our other bodies (koshas, as they are called in yoga). These other bodies, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual, impact our physical body, and vice versa.
If someone has hypermobility, or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, their connective tissue is more porous than the average person. After specializing in working with this population of clients as a physical therapist, I started to see a lot of patterns repeating from one person to the next.
Highly sensitive and attuned to the enviroment, many folks with hypermobility are also extremely sensitive to energy. This can manifest as feeling like a sponge to environments, picking up on unwanted emotions or feeling drained after certain experiences.
When trained, these people are also able to effectively use their sensitivities as a superpower, making them very powerful energy practitioners. I have a special interested in working with folks with hypermobility to attune their energy and channel it as a force for potent change in their own lives, and the world around them.
Let’s work together
Are you ready to reclaim your vitality and live with intention?
Take the first step today.